Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 10 14/2/2014


At the bottom of the rig structure, there are normally steel wooden palette laid down there before any other part of the substructure follows. As such, after carrying away all the parts of the substructure, what remains are the wooden palettes that need to be loaded too, because they are the first to be laid upon the cellar on the other new well pad.

Generation disconnection is among the last things to be done because no matter how much of the rig you carry away to the new site, you need some power for water in toilets, lighting, computers and charging phones etc. This implies that the main generators can be carried to the new site but the auxiliary one should remain for the little time remaining till most other things are transferred.

My sharp brain still recollects that there were 6 terminals for CAT 3512B generators- the Throttle, 24VDC for PLC, Tachometer, exciter, Power supply spdr, emergency terminals and 3 terminals for CAT 3406-Compressors 1, 2, 3. We did the disconnection of these generator cabins this afternoon and before we left, all of them had been disconnected, cables placed well in their racks and troughs ready for loading and transportation onto the next site.